MGM Reality
Kariéra v MGM

Guarantee of safety

Within our work we are thorough and we do not stay just on the surface. While realising the trade, we check the property as well as the owner, in the same time we review the interested buyer, or person interested in the lease. 

Our aim is to avoid any unpredictable situations during the trade and thank to our prevention elude any potential risks which could consequently harm the interests of our clients.




We have adopted many measures in order to GUARANTEE THE SAFETY for our clients concerning the real estate transactions. Here we name just a few of them.

  1. Poperty and the owner examined
    • at the time of signing of contrats, up to date ownership certificate (prevention against possible duplicate cadastre deeds, prevention against doulble ownership, prevention agains new, or continuously created easements and liens)
    • personal participation of MGM and assistance at  asistencia atofficial verification of the signature of the owner (guarantee of signing of the contract by the owner - except assistance of verification for example against  forgery of signature)
    • property ceftified by MINISTRY OF PROPERTIES (for more information)
  2. Proven financial capabilities of the buyer
    • The contracts are closed after validated method of financing the purchase of real estate.
    • We recommend to buyers our reference financial adviser (learn more here).
    • In the event that the buyer has his financial adviser or communicates directly with the bank, we get information in advance concerning the amount of credit and favorable credit conditions.
    • In the case of own finance to provide bank pledges or notarial custody to the following follow-up to the conditions of release of funds. The most common conditions are for example: allowed transfer of ownership or registration of seals, respectively of the burden - in such cases we arrange ownership certificate.